Open access 24/7
Address Information
RV Storage Lot 1
Virginia Ave.
Joint Base Andrews, Maryland
RV Storage Lot 2
Washington Dr.
Joint Base Andrews, Maryland
Resale Lot
1605 Brookley Ave.
Joint Base Andrews, Maryland
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RV Storage Lots
A recreational vehicle is defined as a boat, trailer, 5th wheel, boat/trailer combination, camper (vehicle mounted body or chassis type), motor home, and miscellaneous water craft (canoe, kayak, jet ski, etc).
To store your recreational vehicle, you must come to Outdoor Recreation (Bldg 1235) to submit an application. There is a priority for Active Duty assigned and living on Joint Base Andrews. All recreational vehicles must have and maintain a current registration and insurance policy.
20ft and under:
$55 per month
21ft – 30ft:
$65 per month
31ft – 40ft:
$75 per month
41ft and up:
$85 per month
Resale Lot
Authorized personnel include all active-duty military, retired military personnel and their families, and DoD civilians with the legal title to the item offered for resale.
This authorization excludes all dealers and commercial operations.
Individuals must register their vehicle at Outdoor Recreation (Bldg. 1235) on Menoher Drive.
The owner must provide proof of ownership by providing a permanent title and/or registration as well as proof of insurance.
The resale lot costs $15 for 30 days (maximum of 60 days).