Military & Family Readiness
Hours of Operation
Mon-Wed & Fri: 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Thu: 7:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Closed on Holidays & AFDW Family Days.
View Hours
Military Family Life Counselors
Military & Family Readiness Center
Military & Family Readiness Center (M&FRC)
At the Military & Family Readiness Center (M&FRC) we offer a variety of services and programs to the DoD Total Force, including single and married active-duty military personnel, Department of Defense civilians, retired military personnel, and family members. We also support base leadership with services in the unit to strengthen operational readiness.
Our programs are free-of-charge and held both on-base and virtually.
Visit the Home Page for information on any additional upcoming courses/events at the M&FRC!
To register for TAP or Readiness workshops, please go directly to those pages on our site (see directory of “Our Services” below). For all other registration, go to our booking site at (if link doesn’t load on your military computer, please use commercial wi-fi or a smartphone).
Check out our Facebook page to find our monthly calendar and hear about the events and resources available!
January Calendar
February Calendar
March Calendar
See directory of “Our Services” below for information on all of our programs.
To register for events and workshops, go to our booking site at jba-mfrc.timetap (if link doesn’t load on your military computer, please use commercial wi-fi or a smartphone).
Air Force Aid Society (AFAS)
The mission of the Air Force Aid Society is to support Airmen and enhance the Air Force mission.
Air Force Families Forever (AFFF)
Air Force Families Forever (AFFF) is a long-term survivor aftercare program.
Casualty Assistance
Casualty Assistance is provided to widows or widowers and beneficiaries following the death of an active duty (AD) or retired (Ret) Air Force or Space Force member.
Deployment & Family Readiness
Deployment Assistance is provided to help DoD personnel and families meet the challenges during the four phases of deployment which include pre-deployment, deployment/sustainment, re-integration, and post-deployment.
Employment Assistance
The Military & Family Readiness Center assists individuals with researching and reaching their career goals.
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)
The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a Department of Defense program offered by all branches of the military.
Installation Voting Office
The Joint Base Andrews Installation Voter Assistance Office is here to help members and their families fulfill their civic duty to choose their leaders.
Personal Financial Readiness (PFR)
The M&FRC offers information, education and personal financial counseling to help individuals and families maintain financial readiness and build resiliency.
Personal & Work Life
The Military and Family Readiness Center (M&FRC) is the focal point for assisting all service members and their families – to include Department of Defense civilians – in easing their adaptation to the military lifestyle and enrichment of their personal and work life.
Relocation Assistance Program
The JB Andrews Relocation Assistance Program is designed to make your inbound or outbound PCS as smooth as possible.
Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP)
The Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) was established to provide monthly income to survivors of retired military personnel upon the retiree’s death when retired pay stops.
Transition Assistance Program (TAP)
(TAP) is designed to make retirement or separation from service a well-planned, organized, and thoughtful progression that empowers Service Members to make informed career decisions, be competitive in a global workforce, and become positive contributors to their communities.
Volunteer Resource Program
The M&FRC Volunteer Resource Program provides organization and volunteer opportunity information to the Joint Base Andrews (JBA) Community.
Additional Resources
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For other-than-authorized activities such as military exchanges and Services/Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) sites, the Unites States Air Force does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations.
Such links are provided consistent with the purpose of the web site.